
Be in the know of all things Ithemba

Ithemba Keeps the Flag Flying

When driving around bustling Jo’Burg it’s easy to spot an Ithemba property. No matter where you find us, we pride ourselves on friendliness, cleanliness and safety – all at affordable prices to make sure that we can make your dream home available to you now!

Ithemba’s bold red signage was plain to see in February as we took to the streets to bring your Home Away from Home even closer. Our hard working team erected gazebos, handed out marketing materials and met with the general public to spread the word about Ithemba Property and our portfolio of properties. 


We showcased our apartments to prospective tenants as well as our world-class amenities such as free WiFi*, secure parking, 24-7 security, pre-paid electricity and much more.

More than a property company, Ithemba Property forms part of the community and here collaboration and communication is key to what we do. It’s all about respect and valuing the importance of community. 

Thank you to our hard working team for these successful days and to everyone who joined us.