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Get To Know Your Ithemba Agent: Khaya Nkomo

As the saying goes “to make big moves, you must move in silence”; this is the perfect way to describe Khaya Nkomo one of the newest members of the Ithemba Property family. Here are just a few interesting titbits about this young, self-motivated agent.

IPM: How long have you worked in the property industry?

I have been in the property industry for almost three years now and have officially been an Ithembian since 1st January 2021.

IPM: What is a typical day like?

My day starts with an early morning jog, a hearty yet healthy breakfast then I mentally prepare myself for work. I take time to strategize new ways to improve my engagements with clients to provide the best possible solutions to their requirements.

IPM: What’s a common question you get from customers?

Funnily enough, the question that seems to come up often for me isn’t even property related. Clients always ask what cologne I use; I guess this is definitely an icebreaker/conversation starter.

IPM: What do you like most about your job?

I enjoy  that my job is flexible enough for me to work from anywhere. Also, working with my  peers adds to the experience which doesn’t make me feel out of place  as we learn and grow together in this fast-paced environment.

IPM: Where did you go to school?

I attended Prestige College which happens to be situated in the vibrant township of Hammanskraal, Pretoria North where I grew up.

IPM: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

I’m quite an outgoing person who enjoys shaking off a long week with gents partying up a storm at our favourite clubs. I also enjoy my solo-time and treat myself to solo dates, shopping and a lot more.

IPM: What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know?

Contrary to popular belief,  I'm actually not the stereotypical nerd. I'm just a “cool kid” in spectacles.


Khaya is your guy if you’re looking for both rental and scent advice. Get in touch with this strategic and determined young man, today.