Bringing Ithemba To Our Community
In the spirit of Ubuntu, the Ithemba Foundation embarked on one of its most important initiatives to date. Our community is always at the top of our list of priorities and throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, nothing has changed.
By contributing funds and partnering with local businesses, we have been able to purchase essential foods to provide the most affected and vulnerable in the Greater Maboneng Improvement Districts (GMID) with food parcels.
Our efforts have been focused on three key groups within our community who are the most exposed, namely; the homeless, Ithemba tenants and those living in hijacked buildings.
The primary aim has been to address the immediate need for food as many within these groups have not received aid from government programs or have suffered financial setbacks.
To date, we have assisted 83 tenant households, most of which are primarily run by single mothers as well as a small percentage of elderly people who are over the age of 60. 179 children have also been assisted through this initiative bringing the total number of tenants who have benefited to 262. The three hijacked buildings that we have assisted over this period come to an estimated 500 people who have received food parcels and roughly 30 homeless individuals that we provide food for three times a week.
Even through the most trying of times, we continue to give our people hope ("Ithemba"). It is in times of great trial that we must come together and find our collective strength to change the lives of our fellow man. No deed is too small to make a difference.
As we all continue to brave the cold winter days and fight to flatten the curve; it is vital that we not forget that we can achieve anything if we work together.